Friday, April 1, 2011

A glance at 1866

This homesteading schedule feels familiar to me, even thought it's from 1866:
sugaring in the spring; planting oats, wheat, potatoes, beans in May; shearing sheep and “drawing muck”—spreading of manure in June; harvesting hay in July and August and cutting oats and wheat; In September cutting corn, picking apples, and marketing sheep and lambs.  In October and November, husking corn, plowing and picking and drawing stone.  
Sugaring spring - well, February or early March, yes.  Not this year, but check.
Planting in May - we do the third and fourth of those, but not the first two.  Check.
Manure in June - not yet.  Animal manure goes into the compost all year.
Hay and cutting - not stuff we do.
Cutting and picking in September - yes, into October.  No marketing of animals, but killing some.
Husking, plowing, picking - plowing under, yes.  Prepping some food, yes.  (What is "drawing stone"?)

What a new connection this is, a resonance across a century and a half.  The differences are clear, especially based on our different crop emphasis.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I did some searches on the term "drawing stone." From the few pertinent articles I could find (including this forum discussion), I would guess that it refers to quarrying and masonry. Perhaps in the homesteading context it would refer to removing rocks and boulders from fields?

Interesting post. Nice to see the historical comparisons. :)